How to Install TurboTax Software on Your Windows 10 OS?

How to Install TurboTax Software on Your Windows 10 OS?

Installing the TurboTax software is easy; whether you choose the software to install with CD or without CD, no doubt you can proceed through the installation process seamlessly. However, one way or the other, some users have been facing difficulties to go through the link - and install the TurboTax software.

For the time being we have mentioned the installation process using a web interface. If you are not sure how to install the TurboTax software without CD, you can follow the steps that have been mentioned below. So let’s get started knowing the steps.

Steps to Install TurboTax Software on Your System without CD

  • Start with opening up a new tab from your web browser.
  • Go to the TurboTax official website.
  • Download the TurboTax setup file. Before initiating the download process, you would be asked to save the (.exe) file in the desired location of your system.
  • On completion of the downloading process, open the installer and you would be asked to proceed through the installation process.
  • Once the software is installed, double-click on the icon from the desktop tray and access the software that newly installed on your PC.

How to Compare Between TurboTax Deluxe vs. Home and Business?

To choose between which TurboTax version is best, you must go through the detailed features provided on the official website. There you can find all the specifications and usability that different versions of TurboTax would offer. If you are still confusing over the TurboTax deluxe vs. home and business, feel free to get connected with our team.

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